Bath Planet of Oklahoma is a small, Oklahoma based company that specializes in custom bath and shower designs, tub to shower conversions, and affordable tubs and showers for those of us on a tight budget.
Remodeling your bathroom should be fun and exciting, but for some reason, many contractors have lost sight of that. Not true for the folks at Bath Planet of Oklahoma. Having the best possible customer service in the industry is our claim to fame, and our products are backed by the GoodHousekeeping Seal, and their exclusive 2 year money back guarantee.
We take great pride in everything we do, and we will always go the extra mile to meet your expectations. If you're looking for a unique remodeling experience, call us! Better yet, stop by and visit any of our three showrooms, Yukon, Sand Springs, or Enid. Our dedicated staff is available to help you with all your bath and shower remodeling needs. After all, we put service before sales, and we believe the customer is always right!

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